The PC-SIG Library 9
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Telemate Host mode
By Tsung Hu
22 May, 1990
Telemate host mode is written with its script language and can
be modified freely with no royalty. In Telemate Version 2.1, there
are many useful commands, such as file and string handling, which
make the host script easier to be written.
The following are the host-related files:
HCONFIG.SCR - Host configuration script
HCONFIG.TMS - Compiled script, C>TMS HCONFIG
HOST.SCR - Host mode script
HOST.TMS - Compiled script, C>TMS HOST
HCONFIG.HST - Configuration file (created after first run)
HUSER.HST - User information (created after first run)
HWELCOME.HST - Welcome message
HNOTICE.HST - Notice or bulletin
HMENU.HST - Main menu
HPROT.HST - Protocol menu
BGOODBYE.HST - Goodbye message
HSHELL.BAT - [S]hell batch file (created during configuration)
HLOCAL.BAT - [R]un local program
HREMOTE.BAT - [R]un remote program
HOST.DIR - [F]ile directory file (run-time temporary file)
. Set the modem answer string to "~~~+++~~~AT S0=1^M" under the
Options/Communication dialog
. Run the HCONFIG.SCR by passing [Alt S]. HCONFIG will ask you which
COM port you are using. If it is COM1 or COM2, it will generate
the HSHELL.BAT batch file with the following content,
supposed the modem is in COM1. This batch file allows you to shell
to DOS with the [S]hell command.
Then it will display the menu
A: New user level : 1
B: Sysop level : 2
C: Detect baud rate : ON
D: Initial baud rate : 2400
E: Yell time : 3 seconds
F: Yell sound : 1 seconds
G: Host directory : \TM
H: Download directory : \TM
S: Save configuration and run host mode
Q: Abort configration
Telemate's host is an open system, which mean new user can join
the system freely. Each of them have his own password. In current
implementatation, only two levels are used. Level 2 can use the
[S]hell, [R]un remote program and [Z] shut down commands while
level 1 cannot.
Some modems can lock the COM port at a certain baud rate. For example,
a 2400 baud MNP modem can lock at 4800 or 9600 baud with the "AT &B1"
command. For these modems, the <Detect baud rate> option should be
turned off.
<Initial baud rate> should be the highest possible baud rate of your
<Yell time> and <Yell sound> are the amount of time, in second, that
the alarm appears and yells when the [C]hat command is issued. To
disable the [C]hat command, you can set the <Yell time> to 0.
<Host directory> is the directory containing all the H*.HST and H*.BAT
files, they are the bulletin, the menu and the batch file for shelling
to DOS.
<Download directory> is the host download directory. The [F]ile, [T]ype
and [D]ownload commands can only access files in this directory.
Note: Due Telemate script restriction, the [U]pload command always
upload files to the Telemate download directory.
After setting up these parameters, you can press 'S' to save the
configuration and it will chain to the host script automatically.
. However, installation is not completed yet. To make full use of the
host script, you should also modify the HSHELL.BAT, HLOCAL.BAT and
HREMOTE.BAT batch file.
HSHELL.BAT will be executed when the [S]hell command is issued.
Although it is already created by the HCONFIG.SCR, the batch file
does not monitor carrier signal. That means the computer will hang
up when the remote user drop carrier. You should use a third-party
product such as WATCHDOG or DOORWAY for maximum security.
Note: In local mode, HOST will shell to DOS directly and will not
use this batch file.
HREMOTE.BAT will be executed when the [R]un remote program command
is issued by a caller. This program can be a game or an BBS editor.
HLOCAL.BAT is similar to HREMOTE.BAT but it is executed when the [R]
command is issued in local mode. You may use the same program but
different options or use a completely different program in this batch
Of course, you should customize your own welcome message and bulletin.
A warm welcome will make the user feel much better. If you don't have
any bulletin, you may delete the HNOTICE.HST.
To run the HOST.SCR, you could press [Alt S] while you are in
Telemate. Or type
while you are in DOS command line.
When the host mode begin, you could press
'L' for local mode
'C' for configuration (run HCONFIG.SCR)
[Esc] to terminate host
[Alt H] to temrinate the user (hang up the phone)
When a call is encounter, the user will be asked for his name and
password. The name and password must be or longer than 4 characters.
After that, the user can choose a command from the menu.
Most of the users should have experiences with different types of BBSs.
But they all have the commands
[F]ile directory
[U]pload a file
[D]ownload a file
[T]ype a file
[C]hat with sysop
[X]pert mode
The [F]ile command will shell to DOS and execute the DOS command
which store the file list into a file. Then HOST.SCR will display the file.
So don't worry when it shell to DOS, it is just a [F]ile command.
When the user issues the [C]hat command, the alarm will be pop-up. Sysop
should press
[Enter] to accept
[Esc] to deny
If [Enter] is pressed, HOST.SCR will begin a chat mode. The sysop should
press [Esc] to terminate the chat mode.
There are three commands provided for sysop. They are
[S]hell to DOS
[R]un remote program
[Z] shut down
The [S]hell command will jump to DOS directly in local mode; and run
the HSHELL.BAT to shell to DOS if it is a remote call.
The [R]un command will run HLOCAL.BAT in local mode; and run HREMOTE.BAT
in remote mode.
The [Z] shut down command should be issued only if you don't need the host
mode any more. It will ask you 'Are you sure ?'. If you said 'Y'es, the
call will be disconnected and will not answer any more callers.
When a new user is encountered, his name, password and access level
are stored in the file HUSER.HST. The format is
first last;password#<level>
where <level> is 1 or 2. For example, my record will look like
Tsung Hu;mypass#1
To raise a user's access level, you can use an editor to change the 1
to 2. After that, the record will look like
Tsung Hu;mypass#2
There may be several records in the file, they all have the same format.
There are a lot of space for improvements. Here are a few suggestions:
. More access levels and different menu for different level.
. Usage log: If you would like to keep track of a user's activities,
you could add
USAGE "User attempts to shell to DOS"
. Inactive timeout: This can be done by
WHENIDLE 600,"^*"
which send the modem hangup string if there is no activity through
the COM port in 10 minutes.
. Time limit: You may calcuate the connect time using the procedure
DIFFTIME in toolbox #3.
. ANSI graphics or full screen command: Toolbox #1 is a good start
for this attempt.
If you need any assistance, you can contact Winfred Hu at the Telemate
support BBS's or the following network:
SmartNet Telemate conference
RelayNet Telemate conference
WWIVnet Telemate hotline
FidoEcho National Telemate Echo
BIX winfredhu
CompuServe [72070,3515]
InterNet 72070.3515@compuserve.com
~~~~~ End of HOST.DOC ~~~~~